Application Process

1.   Whenever a LNGO expresses interest in joining the Forum, the Forum coordinator will set up an induction meeting, where the membership committee debriefs the LNGO about the Forum’s mandate, vision, strategic priorities and activities; The LNGO presents an overview about the NGO, activities, geographical areas, sectors covered,history, legal status, etc…
2.   If the NGO is eligible, they will be asked to fill an application form
3.   Once the submission is well received, this will be reviewed by the Membership Committee.
4.   The LNGO is asked to share the following supporting documents:
4-1.   Activity Report for the past 2 years
4-2.   Audit report for the past 2 years
4-3.   Proof of registration with the relevant Lebanese line Ministry
4-4.   Code of conduct (including Child Protection and PSEA policy if available)
4-5.   Organization chart
4-6.   Bylaws
4-7.   Annual Declaration to the Ministry of Finance or to the relevant line Ministry
5.   The documents are reviewed by the membership committee (Forum coordinator + 1 SC member + 1 EC member) to confirm the acceptance as a member.

Get in touch with us

Address: Lebanon,Beirut

Phone: 81 290 025

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