Capacity Strengthening

The Forum’s secretariat develops and runs on a yearly basis a comprehensive capacity-sharing assessment (CA), whereby LHDF members identify and prioritise areas where their organisation can either provide or require support. Areas covered include, among others, donor compliance, humanitarian principles, grants/project management, reporting, proposal-writing, fundraising, emergency-preparedness, advocacy, communication and campaigning, etc. Following the CA, a detailed capacity-sharing plan will be developed to cater to the needs identified, looking at matching existing capacities and resources with highlighted needs. Accordingly, the Forum will implement training sessions via capacity building experts and trainers on identified topics so they could meet potential donors requirements and minimum standards.

Advocacy Activities

With advocacy at the core of the Forum’s mandate, LHDF strives to ensure that the voice of its members and the broader community of Lebanon LNNGOs effectively reaches decision-making fora in Lebanon, the region and globally. In particular, LHDF serves as a platform where LNNGOs can develop a unified and consistent voice in order to influence humanitarian and development policies and practice in the areas of concern for the whole membership. LHDF believes that advocacy is a fundamental tool that can enable the Forum to fulfill its mandate and accomplish its purpose.
LHDF defines advocacy as a set of deliberate and systematic activities aimed at influencing policies and practices, as well as the way decisions are made, to bring about change. Within this scope, LHDF is involved in public and private advocacy, including through policy research, campaigning, public events, lobbying and policy dialogue. LHDF’s approach to advocacy is member-driven, evidence-based and solutions-oriented, and it is underpinned by international human rights framework and standards.
LHDF advocacy efforts revolve, among others, around the following areas: Localisation, principled humanitarian action, preservation of civic space and Accountability to Affected Populations.
Calls to reform the formal international humanitarian system to be inclusive of local actors from crisis- affected countries emerged firmly following the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) in 2016. Ever since, the need to transition towards a locally-led, people-centered aid system has been endorsed at different levels by key actors in the humanitarian system globally, including notably through processes such as the Grand Bargain or the Charter for Change .
Whilst there is no common definition of Localisation across actors, discussions around advancing the Localisation agenda typically encompass recommendations to channel funds to local and national NGOs (LNNGOs) as directly as possible, invest in their institutional capacities, ensure equity of partnerships, and promote meaningful participation, representation and leadership of LNNGOs in formal coordination and decision-making structures. For LHDF, Localisation is a collective process leading to a paradigm shift within the humanitarian aid system whereby LNNGOs have equal access to power, funding and resources. You can learn more about LHDF’s stance on Localisation HERE.
LHDF is invested in a multiplicity of advocacy efforts focusing on advancing the Localisation agenda in Lebanon, including notably through its key role as member of the Coordination Committee of the Localisation Task Force.


As part of its core mandate, LHDF facilitates representation of LNNGOs in the main coordination and decision-making structures in Lebanon including:

Internal Meetings
  • LHDF Steering Committee weekly meetings: on a weekly basis (usually each Monday), and ad hoc as needed. All Steering Committee members and Secretariat staff should attend. A quorum of 4/7 Steering Committee members is needed in case of issues requiring decision-making.
  • LHDF Advocacy bi-weekly meetings:on a bi-weekly basis (usually on Thursday morning).
  • LHDF Plenary Meeting: Monthly. Chaired by at least one SC member. Agenda set by the Steering Committee and membership, with the support of the Secretariat.
  • Advocacy Working Group: on a monthly basis (usually the third Wednesday of each month). The meeting is chaired by LHDF Advocacy Advisor.

External Meetings

  • Humanitarian Country Team (HCT): Monthly and ad hoc on specific issues. Chaired by the Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator (HC/RC). Invitation sent and agenda set by OCHA. Any 3 LHDF Steering Committee members may attend, together with one Secretariat staff.
  • HCT Advocacy Working Group: on a monthly basis (usually the second Wednesday of each month). The HCT Advocacy Working Group is co-chaired by LHDF (Advocacy Advisor), LHIF and OCHA. The agenda is set by the co-chairs, and the invitation shared by OCHA. One Steering Committee member attends, in addition to three LHDF members, identified through an Expression of Interest process.

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  • HCT Access Working Group: on a monthly basis (usually the third Wednesday of each month), as well as on an ad hoc basis as needed. The Access Working Group is co-chaired by LHDF (Advocacy Advisor), LHIF and OCHA. One Steering Committee member attends. The agenda is set by the co-chairs, and sent by OCHA. LHDF members might attend based on their interest in discussing particular agenda items.
  • Strategic Task Force on Cash: on an ad hoc basis. One representative from the Secretariat and one representative from the Steering Committee attend.
  • Cash Working Group: on a monthly basis. One representative from the Secretariat, and three representatives from LHDF members with Cash operations attend.
  • Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Emergency Operations Cell (EOC) : monthly and on an ad hoc basis as needed. One representative from either the Secretariat or the Steering Committee attends.
  • Lebanon Humanitarian Fund (LHF) Advisory Board : on a quarterly basis. One representative from the Secretariat and one representative from the Steering Committee attend, along with another designated LHDF member.
  • LCRP Steering Committee: The LCRP Steering Committee is composed of the HCT members and key Government ministries. It is chaired by the RC/HC and the Minister of Social Affairs (MoSA). One member of LHDF’s Steering Committee attends.
  • LCRP Joint Technical Task Force (JTF): Ad hoc . The LCRP JTF convenes ahead of the LCRP Steering Committee. Representation follows the same criteria as the LCRP Steering Committee. National Inter-Sector Working Group: Monthly (1st Friday at 10:00am). Chaired by MoSA, UNHCR and UNDP. Invitation sent and agenda set by the Inter-Agency Response Management Unit. Attended by the LHDF Coordinator.
  • National Inter-Sector Working Group: Monthly (1st Friday at 10:00am). Chaired by MoSA, UNHCR and UNDP. Invitation sent and agenda set by the Inter-Agency Response Management Unit. Attended by the LHDF Coordinator.
  • National Inter-Agency: Monthly (2nd Friday at 10:00 am). Invitation sent and agenda set by the Inter-Agency Coordination Unit. Attended by the LHDF coordinator.
  • Durable Solutions Group: Conveyed on a quarterly basis by the UNHCR Protection Unit. Agenda set and invitation sent by UNHCR. Steering Committee Protection Focal Point and one Secretariat attend.
  • Localisation Task Force (LTF):LHDF is a member of and co-leads the Lebanon Localisation Task Force (LTF). The LTF was established in 2022 within the framework of the Shabake I project, funded by Expertise France. It is a multi-stakeholders, locally-led platform that gathers UN agencies, donors, INGOs and LNNGOs working together to advance the Localisation agenda in Lebanon. You can find more info about the LTF here
    - Coordination Committee: on a bi-weekly or monthly basis. The Secretariat and 2 Steering Committee members attend.
    - LTF meeting:on a monthly basis. Attended by the Secretariat and two Steering Committee Focal Points.
  • 3RF Consultative Group
  • Lebanon Financial Facility (LFF)
  • LHDF-LHIF Partnership :
    - Partnership Management Team (PMT) meeting : on a monthly basis (usually the third Monday of each month). 2 members from the Steering Committee and the Secretariat attend.
  • Ad Hoc Meetings: LHDF is often requested to attend ad hoc meetings on specific ongoing issues, with donor representatives, with visiting officials and delegations, etc. Attended by SC members and LHDF Coordinator, if possible.